Oakville Physiotherapy for Poor Posture
Oakville physiotherapy can be very effective in correcting poor posture. Start with these core exercises now. Our lead physiotherapist Vinaya, says posture is defined as the position in which someone holds their body when standing, sitting or walking. Postures can be influenced by activities of daily living such as driving, gardening or playing sports (just to name a few). One of the leading causes of low back and neck pain has been identified as sustained positions longer then 6 hours. Our Oakville Physio team has noticed a huge increase in children and text neck. If you let your kids use an ipad or phone you need to get their posture checked before its too late. If you find that you are sitting or standing for prolonged periods because of your job or hobbies, and display a poor posture, you may be at risk of developing postural derangements which will require poor posture correction using posture physiotherapy. Text neck is becoming the new smoking in today’s youth.
Your posture should not be a forced action or a position that causes discomfort or pain. It should allow you to function independently while also obtaining your goals at hand, whether it be working at your desk, walking your dog or doing that home renovation.
Looking for one physiotherapy exercise to do daily…. do this core exercise for 5 minutes daily!
Let the team at our Oakville physiotherapy clinic use posture physiotherapy to assist you with poor posture correction. Our techniques will help you relieve pain, gain more range, restore function and improve strength.
How Can Physiotherapy in Oakville Help
- Posture Education
- Bracing Instruction
- Strengthening Programs
- Stretching Programs
- Ergonomic Set Up
- Orthotics
- Lumbar Roll Instruction
- Myofascial Release
- Pain Management
Click Here to get more Oakville Physiotherapist approved core information and exercises!
Do not become a victim of ‘text neck’. Our Physiotherapists can help you achieve your postural goals. If you require posture physiotherapy to assist with poor posture correction, contact our Oakville physiotherapy centre today!