Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain in Oakville
Have you tried Shockwave Therapy for your shoulder injury?
Shoulder Pain Treatment and Physiotherapy
The rotator cuff is an important group of muscles that keep the shoulder joint stable during arm movements, and are responsible for moving the arm. When providing physiotherapy in Oakville we see a variety of rotator cuff injuries such as tendinitis/tendinosis and small tears. Tears in the rotator cuff tendons can occur from a traumatic injury, overuse or even degeneration as we age.
Depending on the type of injury or size of the tear, and other factors, our physiotherapist will decide to either surgically repair the tendon(s), or suggest conservative treatment like physiotherapy for shoulder pain. There are many options for treatment our Oakville clinic including Shockwave Therapy and acupuncture.
Tendinitis occurs when repetitive stresses to the tendons result in small micro-tears and inflammation. If this becomes chronic, then degenerative changes occur in the tendon and it is now referred to as a tendinosis. Our Oakville physiotherapists agree that its much easier to treat tendinitis than tendinosis. Don’t wait until its too late, get into our Oakville Physiotherapy clinic today!
What causes shoulder pain?
The tendons of the rotator cuff pass under a bony arch to attach to the humerus (your upper arm bone). The tendons can be pinched in this area, leading to micro-tears and inflammation as well. This often occurs during repetitive, prolonged overhead activities such as sports like volleyball or jobs like electrical or carpentry work. If the arm is held in one position for prolonged periods of time such as computer work, especially when combined with poor posture chances of repetitive injury may also manifest. If not properly managed, over time this can develop into a rotator cuff tear.
People with rotator cuff tendinitis or small tears complain of pain in the shoulder and may require physiotherapy for shoulder pain. Their pain typically surfaces when doing overhead activities such as brushing/washing your hair, reaching for something on a high shelf, performing overhead work, or from lowering the shoulder from a raised position. As the condition progresses, pain will likely be felt at rest and at night, especially if lying on the affected shoulder. Learn more about your physiotherapy options for the treatment of shoulder pain and rotator cuff injuries.
Oakville Physiotherapy Treatment for Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Injuries
Shockwave for Rotator Cuff Injuries!
Pain is usually felt in the front or outside part of the shoulder, and may radiate down the arm to the midpoint of the humerus. Weakness, decreased range of motion, stiffness, and difficulty placing the arm behind the back is likely to materialize as well.
Treatment starts by managing the inflammation by guiding swelling out of the shoulder joint to encourage an optimum environment for healing. When providing physiotherapy for shoulder pain, practitioners at our Oakville physiotherapy clinic will use hands on treatment techniques, modalities, and give you at-home instructions on icing and exercise. We will work to decrease muscle tension, correct posture, and ensure each area is moving properly to take stress off the tendons. We will develop an exercise program to strengthen the rotator cuff and the surrounding muscles to make sure everything is working as it should to help prevent this condition from returning!
Rotator Cuff Exercises Can Be Found Here
Rotator Cuff Treatment Protocol:
1. IFC (Electric Stimulus Treatment): At our physiotherapy clinic, our IFC machine is applied with suction cups not sticky pads. This allows for a more precise fitting and contact to the area of treatment. The IFC machine feels like a deep massage penetrating the muscle tissue. We apply some moist heat to the area which aids in blood flow and also allows for a decrease in pain. This starts to promote healing and removal of the older/static inflammation from the shoulder joint and surrounding area
2. Shockwave Wave Therapy: The gold standard for shoulder treatment from tears to tendinitis. Shockwave therapy for rotator cuff injuries is an air powered gun that shoots a “bullet” onto an applicator head that is positioned at skin level in contact with the shoulder muscles. The bullet contacts the applicator head at 15 times per second for up to 15oo hits. Our physiotherapy team moves the Shockwave gun from the front/back and side of the shoulder within patients pain tolerances.
3. Muscle Release and Shoulder Mobilizations: Most patients with shoulder issues after the first round of IFC and Shockwave treatment will already start to notice a change in range of motion of their shoulder. The physiotherapist will begin to move, bend, and push on the muscles of the shoulder region to help regain proper biomechanics and improve range of motion.
Shoulder Range of Motion Physiotherapy
Shoulder Wall Walk Exercise
Shoulder Range of Motion – Wall Angels
Trap Stretch for Shoulder Pain
If you think you may require physiotherapy for shoulder pain, contact our Oakville physiotherapy clinic today to book an appointment.