Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Oakville
Are you having constant heel or foot pain? We can help!
One of the main reasons that patients require lower leg treatment is due to plantar fasciitis. Our Oakville physiotherapists say this condition is the most common cause of foot/heel pain at our clinic. The plantar fascia is a strong band of connective tissue on the underside of your foot connecting your heel bone to your toes. The plantar fascia supports the arch of your foot, and helps absorb energy during walking. Pain will be at the heel and usually with the first step in the morning.
The sooner the patients gets in for treatment the easier the plantar fasciitis will be to treat!
What causes Plantar Fasciitis?
Our Oakville physiotherapist says repetitive stress to the plantar fascia and foot results in micro-tearing and inflammation of the tissue which will likely require foot and calve treatment. This type of stress can be caused by a number of factors including excessive pronation (your arch collapsing too much when you walk), having high arches or flat feet, workplace factors (if you stand, walk, or run for long periods especially on hard surfaces) footwear factors (if your shoes do not fit properly or are worn out) or lifestyle changes (if there is a sudden increase in your activity, or if you have tight calf muscles).
In 99% of all Plantar Fasciitis cases the first step in the morning heel pain is coming from tight calves and Achilles tendon.
Oakville Physiotherapy: Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
Have you tried shockwave for plantar Fasciitis?
Patients with plantar fasciitis complain of pain around the heel and arch, especially with their first steps in the morning. Pain may not be as intense after these first steps, but then will get worse again as the day goes on. It may hurt more with stairs, or after standing for long periods. Some patients even get pain after sitting at their computer for a period of time and the first step after.
Our physiotherapist will look at your feet, assess your gait, examine your shoes and ask about activities that may play a role in developing this condition. They will complete orthopedic tests to determine the root cause of the stress on the plantar fascia.
They will manage the inflammation, and guide swelling out of the area, to encourage an optimum environment for the plantar fascia to heal. The physiotherapy team will use manual foot techniques and give you at-home exercises to decrease the tension and irritation around the plantar fascia.
Our physiotherapists will work to decrease the tension in the muscles of the calf, and strengthen the muscles in the arch and around the ankle to decrease the workload on your plantar fascia during activity. If required, we can fit you for custom orthotics and give you advice on proper footwear to help prevent this painful condition from returning!
Shockwave for Plantar Fasciitis
Tight calf muscles and achilles tendon often play a role in developing plantar fasciitis. The muscles of the calf combine to form the thick, rope-like Achilles tendon that inserts into the back of the heel.
Tension in the calves can create a disruption in mechanics of the foot due to the Achilles tendon pulling on ankle bones! One quick and effective way to reduce this tension is Shockwave Therapy. If your suffering from stubborn plantar fasciitis pain in Oakville, try our shockwave Oakville therapy!
Shockwave is an air powered gun that hits a projectile against an applicator head. The physio team will treat both your calf and your arch/heel. The patient will also get a round of IFC. IFC is a electrical stimulation machine that helps control pain and improve blood flow to the area when combined with heat.
If the shockwave won’t help we will work with your MD to get the care you need!
Make an Oakville physiotherapy appointment for your foot pain today!
Suffering from Plantar Fasciitis? Make a foot physiotherapy appointment today!