Oakville Physiotherapy Exercise and Stretching
Check out our Oakville Physiotherapists personal programs for her clients at our Oakville Physiotherapy Clinic!
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Oakville Physiotherapy Neck Stretches
Here you will find some at home basic neck stretches from our Oakville Physiotherapist! Always consult with your Physiotherapist before starting any new exercises!
Intermediate Neck Stretches pdf
Low Back Stretches
Follow these links for some at home physiotherapy low back stretches created by our Oakville Physiotherapist! Always make sure you speak with your physiotherapist before starting them on your own!
Low Back Stretches – Beginner PDF
Low Back Stretches – Intermediate PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy Shin Pain Stretches
Suffering from lower leg or shin splints. Try these stretches to help with your pain! Running or walking pain? These shin stretches will help!
Shin Splint Stretches PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy ITB Stretches
Here’s some IT band stretches and exercises created by our Oakville Physiotherapist for you to follow at home! Don’t forget to consult with your physiotherapist before starting.
ITB Stretches and Exercises PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy Hamstring Stretches
Follow these at home hamstring stretches created by our Oakville Physiotherapist! Don’t forget to make sure to review these stretches with your physiotherapist before doing them at home.
Hamstring Stretches – Beginner PDF
Hamstring Stretches – Intermediate PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy Morton’s Neuroma Stretches
Here you will find at home stretches for Morton’s Neuroma or ball of the foot pain created by our Oakville Physiotherapist! Always get confirmation from your physiotherapist before trying them out yourself.
Oakville Physiotherapy Hip Stretches
Suffering from hip pain? Try these hip stretches to help get your body moving again! Remember to consult a medical specialist before trying a new routine!
Hip Stretches PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy Mid Back Stretches
Stuck at a computer or on your phone all day. Starting to become a hunch back? Try these basic thoracic spine stretches to get your posture back!
Mid Back Stretches PDF
Stretches for Headaches
Suffering from headaches that could be coming from your neck? Do your Tension Headaches get worse the longer you sit at the computer. Are your headaches turning into Migraines? Try these physiotherapy approved neck stretches for HEADACHES!
Headache Stretches PDF
Carpal Tunnel Stretches – Oakville Physiotherapy
Fingers and hands going numb after computer work, sleeping or physical activity? Try these wrist and hand stretches to help with Carpal Tunnel and get it fixed before surgery is your only option!
Carpal Tunnel Stretches
Physiotherapy Sinus Tarsi Stretches
Chronic ankle pain and swelling stopping you from doing the things you love? Have you been diagnosed with Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. Try these basic ankle stretches to help!
Sinus Tarsi Stretches PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy Wrist Stretches
Wrist pain and tightness preventing your from sleeping or doing house hold chores. Try these basic wrist stretches to get you going again.
Physiotherapy Wrist Stretches PDF
Quadriceps and Thigh Stretches
Knee pain or thigh tightness slowing your down? Try these tried and true quad stretches to help bring your motion back to life!
Quadriceps Stretches – Beginner PDF
Quadriceps Stretches – Intermediate PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy Knee Stretches and Exercises
follow these links to find at home knee stretches and exercises created by our Oakville Physiotherapist. Before starting, review these stretches with your physiotherapist to get approval.
Physiotherapy Knee Stretches and Exercises
Plantar Fasciitis and Calf Stretches
First step in the morning causing your crazy pain? Calves feel like they are going to explode at the end of the day? Try these at home plantar fasciitis calf stretches and exercises for instant relief!
Plantar Fasciitis Stretches PDF
Golfers Elbow Stretches – Oakville Physiotherapy
Golfers Elbow Stretches PDF
Tennis Elbow Stretches
Tennis Elbow Stretches PDF
De Quervian’s Stretches
Physiotherapy Stretches for De Quervian’s PDF
Oakville Physiotherapy Shoulder Stretches
Physiotherapy Shoulder Stretches PDF