Today our Oakville Physiotherapist are going to teach you two exercises, the plank and the bird dog. We are going to walk Jess our mock patient through these exercises.
Physiotherapy Approved Plank Exercise
First thing Physiotherapist Michelle will teach is the plank on elbows.
To make this easy you can start on your knees with a nice flat back and to make sure you are tightening through your core.
If this is too easy you can come onto your toes. Make sure to activate your core properly.
It is best to hold it for 15-20 seconds to start. Then progress into 30 or 60 seconds once it becomes easier.
Physiotherapy BIRD DOG Exercise
The next exercise is called the bird dog.
This exercise is done on your hands and knees with your knees a hips width apart and your hands shoulder width apart.
Have a nice flat back with no sag in the lower back.
To start you can tighten your core and hollow; from there slowly lift one arm off the bed without moving your back.
Imagine you have a water bottle on your lower back to help prevent low back movement. Alternate you arms.
From here you can progress to moving one leg at a time while tightening your core.
Start with 10 repetitions of your arms, followed by 10 repetitions of your legs.
Once this is sufficient you may progress to moving the opposite arm and leg at the same time.
The slower you go the better control of your low back musculature you will have. These exercises can help manage and prevent lower back pain if done appropriately.