Physiotherapy Oakville Approved Piriformis and Glutes Stretch
Our Oakville physiotherapy team are here to help! One of the most common causes of low back pain and sciatica is a tight piriformis muscle. Thank you for joining us again for another healthy living tip from our Live Pain Free series. In today’s health tip we are going to talk about stretching your piriformis and glutes with our Oakville chiropractor.
Today we are going to show you a piriformis and glutes stretch with Stephanie. We recommend this stretch to all our healthy patients and this can be done as a preventative stretch but especially good if you are experiencing a little bit of pain. We are going to show you 2 variations of this stretch to help you loosen up the butt and lower back region. If your suffering from back pain in Oakville choose our physiotherapy clinic for treatment.
- First take a position lying flat on your back ( if you are in pain and need something to lay on, that’s fine as well )
- Next bend one leg over the other leg connecting your ankle to your knee.
- Take your hands and reach through and under your crossed leg and grab your straight leg behind your knee.
- You pull gently back toward your chest. You can keep your straight leg bent at the knee if you like. If you want to be a little more advanced you can straighten the leg up towards the ceiling. You want to hold the stretch for about 30 seconds. Now, as you gently pull back you should feel the stretching right in the side of your butt (glute) muscle and maybe even into your lower back. If you notice a shooting pain down your leg when you do this STOP IMMEDIATELY ! We recommend you immediately seek the advice of a medical professional.
- Stop, change leg positions and do the other side. Repeat this 3 times on each side.
Oakville Physiotherapy Piriformis Stretch if you are in PAIN!
Now for people in Oakville with crippling lower back pain and can’t do too much stretching at all. What we recommend is:
- Move close to a wall while lying on your back. Close enough that you can put one foot up on the wall so that your leg is at a 90 degree angle.
- Now take the other leg and cross it so that your ankle connects with the opposite knee. In this case you would not feel as much of a stretch, but if your in pain that’s fine. Only try to stretch about 30 to 40% of your max to make sure you don’t over do it. You will be able to hold this position longer. We suggest holding for 3 – 4 minutes, you can do this while watching t.v.
- Change sides and repeat 3 times on each side.
Again this is the piriformis and glutes stretch. We recommend everyone do this stretch on a daily basis for back pain prevention.
Physiotherapy options in Oakville for Sciatica – Low Back Pain – Gluteal Pain – Piriformis Pain.
If you are suffering with bum or low back pain get into our Oakville physiotherapy clinic as soon as possible. Too many times our physiotherapists see crippling bum or low back pain that started a couple months ago as a dull ache in the glutes or piriformis muscle that turns into full blown sciatica. Sciatica, if you have it, take 6 weeks to 6 months to correct, get in now before its too late. Treatment for sciatica, glute or pirfirmis pain will include physiotherapy and can include Oakville’s best acupuncturist or shockwave therapy.
If you or a family member need immediate treatment from our Oakville Physiotherapist for pain or injury please call us right away to schedule an appointment 905-827-3593.