Physiotherapist Approved Sleeping Position
One of the easiest things you can do to help with you back pain is to adjust your sleeping position. Within this video, the most optimal sleeping positions are demonstrated. These sleeping positions cover the typical positions people tend to sleep in but with a physiotherapist twist.
Primarily, the first sleeping position is laying on your back with a pillow supporting your neck and another pillow for support under your knees which lift your legs to maintain the natural curve of your back.
The second sleeping position is lying on your side. People tend to find this position more beneficial as it is the most popular and can relieve soreness of your back. To do so, place a pillow between your knees to keep a proper distance between your legs and again helping to maintain the natural curvature of your spine and your hip. This position helps release lower back pain and is great for long periods of sleep.
Unapproved Sleeping Position by a Physiotherapist
While it is hard to tell your unconscious self to change your sleeping position, a position that is defiantly not recommended by our Oakville Physiotherapist is sleeping on your side with your arm above your head position. This position can cause shoulder issues and disrupt the natural positioning of your body. Therefore, it is best to drop the arm down below your head and maintain good shoulder posture.
If you keep finding yourself back in this position, here are some helpful tips you can try:
– Barricading yourself with pillows to remain in one position
– Sew a tennis ball in either the back or front of your pajama top to prevent you from rolling
– move your bed to the wall and sleep facing it to prevent you from rolling over
Learn Your Sleeping Routine and Sleep Pain Free!
Our physiotherapists biggest recommendations is to learn your sleeping routine. By understanding your sleeping positions and adjusting it according to our recommendations, you should see an improvement in your body’s well being. Not only is your sleeping position detrimental to living a life pain free, it is also important to understand your sleep cycles. Learn and understand why sleep is important here and how sleep cycles effect your health. Hopefully these tips have taught you how to sleep better tonight.
Learn more about mattresses and sleeping here