Core Stability From Oakville Physiotherapist
At some point, it is likely that you will experience lower back pain. In fact, 80% of us experience it our lifetime. Whether it is caused by a sports injury, gardening or playing with your kids it can be really debilitating. The first step to treating your back pain is a proper diagnosis by your Oakville Physiotherapist, but core strengthening will be a critical part of your recovery!
Find Oakville Physio Core Exercises Here
Our physiotherapist will complete a thorough assessment to determine the root cause of your pain. There are many potential pain sources in the lower back, so our therapists will help determine whether the pain is coming from the joints, muscles or nerves of the lower back. Your therapy will be tailored to target the exact cause of your pain.
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Regardless of the source, core exercise will be an important part of your recovery. Your abdominal muscles are important to keep your joints properly supported and allow your movement to be as efficient as possible. Oftentimes, pain causes our muscles to ‘shut off’ and we stop moving as effectively as we did when we were pain free. People who have suffered from long-standing lower back pain are more likely to have inactive core musculature, which will only perpetuate the pain. A weak core may even be the reason you’re experiencing your pain in the first place!
Core exercises are specifically targeted to strengthen 4 groups of muscles in the lower back, pelvic floor and abdomen. Exercises will start with simple activation because sometimes it can be tricky to activate the deeper muscles. The deep core muscles act like a corset, and keep your back safe when you bend and twist. As you get more comfortable and confident with your exercises they can be progressed to be more challenging and build your strength up even more!
More Core Stability Physiotherapy can be found HERE
For a list of At-Home Core Physio Approved Exercises click HERE